We are pleased to welcome Pat Rogers, our new Vice President of Sales and Business Development.
Pat has worked with small and start-up companies throughout a 35 year career in Technology Sales and Sales Management. Prior to joining NimblePitch, he was an independent consultant and advisor, working with several technology and software firms around the country including Verint/Witness Systems, Spotfire Division of TIBCO Software, Nuance Communications, Dynavox Mayer-Johnson and PKWare. He also worked with the authors of CustomerCentric Selling.
“I’m looking forward to applying the knowledge gained over my career along with the tenets of a disciplined sales methodology in helping NimblePitch achieve the market presence and growth that we’re all expecting”, Pat told us.
Pat and his wife moved in August 2012 from their home in Connecticut where they’d lived for 30 plus years and fulfilled a lifetime dream of heading south. They chose Richmond because of its transportation options, weather and overall vitality of the city and region.
Pat is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts and an Army veteran. His interests outside of work include golf, music, sailing and exploring the history of his new home town.
If you’d like to talk about ways to tell your story to your customers and prospects, call Pat at 804.592.0898 or drop him a line at Pat.Rogers@NimblePitch.com.