American Psychological Association Division 45

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Project Goal

Create a collaborative space for professional and student members.

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The Challenge

As a nationwide organization, the challenge for Division 45 was to bring together geographically diverse psychologists at a wide variety of career stages. The website needed to be a revenant resource for everyone from students to late career professionals and provide value for them at each stage.

In addition to resources and event information, the website contained a history section to which independent documents had been added piecemeal over the years. Many of the documents contained incomplete or overlapping information, making it difficult for visitors to learn about the Division’s story.

Our Solution

The new site serves a collaborative resource for members and provides them with critical tools to help run the organization. Division members can now use the site to submit award nominations, share teaching resources, and coordinate mentorships.

A variety of digital storytelling techniques make the information easier to find, more digestible, and more approachable. By reorganizing the sources in the history section and integrating them into the site, NimblePitch was able to preserve the organization’s history and offer Division 45 a more accessible way to tell its story to both current and future members.

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