Digital Storytelling: What is it and why do I care?

computer and reelDigital Storytelling means different things to different people. Some see it as some sort of computer-generated, media-rich information that is shared on the internet. Some think it is just video, or a platform for advertising, or an employee communication tool.

Sure, it can do all those things, and it most likely will include video (we highly recommend it!), but mostly it’s a new way to think about how to tell your story. Remember those gawdawful filmstrips you endured back in middle school, with the narrative on the separate vinyl record that would ding when it was time to advance the film one frame? How are they different, really, from the slide show you bore your prospects with in a business meeting now that you are grown up?

The lights are low, the progression is predictable, everyone is bored silly.

Wake ‘em up with your digital storytelling

Sure, include your video snippets, but don’t forget to make them interactive, like our CuePoint Videos™. Add multi-layered explanations to your photos, voice-overs, fly-throughs, 360-degree views, animations – whatever you need to tell your story, keep your audience of prospects awake and involved, and showcase how you are better than the rest. Be ready to jump around to answer questions from anyone in the audience, from CEO to engineer to end-user. Be nimble. Close the sale.