The Buyers Have Spoken

Well, the Sales 2.0 Conference is behind us and one overriding theme was sounded:  The buyers have spoken – if you’re not listening, you’re in trouble.

For us at NimblePitch, the program’s agenda helped to underscore our belief that insight-based selling demands a fresh perspective on the needs and expectations of buyers. But just as important, it requires a new generation of tools that do more than report on activity, that actually help salespeople execute their tasks.

The trend has been in full effect for a number of years. Buyers don’t engage with salespeople to learn about their products or even compare them to their competition; they have all the information they need at the touch of a screen or the click of a mouse. Salespeople need to come to grips with ways of using technology that enables them to connect with buyers (videos, interactive graphics, etc.) – not to showcase product but to establish business/personal relationships and trust in what will continue to be an increasingly virtual sales landscape. Interested in your thoughts…